Friday, December 30, 2011

Episode 72: Working on my New Year's Decor

I wanted to do a little something different around my door for New Year's, so I am adding a canvas element.  Stay tuned tomorrow for the finished project.  Here is a sneak peek:

Here are the supplies.  Please check out the video that follows because I tell you where I found everything in the pictures below. :

And here is the how-to video:


  1. Hi! I love your craft. You are so talented. I was hoping that you would be working on a 'birthday' wreath. I have three kiddos and a great pantry door in my kitchen to hang wreaths on. I am wanting to make a birthday wreath that I can pull out 5 times a year and would be non specific to gender. Any ideas?

    Thank you, Aimee in Or.

  2. what episode is the finished new years eve garland


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