Sunday, January 24, 2021

It's been a long time...

Hi Crafters!

Where do I begin? Yes, I'm still around, but a lot has changed. I suspect a lot has changed for you too.

This morning I opened up my blog for the first time in A LONG TIME and was a bit bummed.  My last post was in 2019, and quite frankly, I'm having to reteach myself some blogging things.

Where have I been? I went back to work full-time in July of 2019...the first time I have done that in literally 20 years! Before that, I was a stay-at-home mom. So, the crafting side has definitely taken a huge hit. I'm pretty tired when I get home, as I'm sure all of you out there can relate to (forced to become a morning person...that's sucked😝). Fortunately, I'm at a company that really encourages my creativity which has been an immense blessing to me and my family. And with that opportunity has come a new digital skill set that I hope to bring to my personal creative world. 

To my faithful followers over the years, let's play catch up. We are still in Houston, but my oldest daughter, Abigail, has flown the nest!!! It's hard to believe I have a child in college, but there she is killing it. And this Texas Aggie is very proud that she is an LSU Tiger. It really suits her. She's studying Graphic Design, so I'm really hoping she teaches me a thing or two or twenty. I must admit, I'm a bit jealous. Her classes, to this creative, sound AMAZING. She talks about art mediums now that I've never even heard of! I absolutely love seeing her blossom. My youngest daughter, Lucy is a sophomore in high school and about to kick off her softball season. And she's already preparing for college as well...can you say ACT tutoring...ugh. My man, Drew, and I are starting to talk empty nest...what??? 

Now crafting....oh crafting....I miss you. I've dabbled with different things here and there over the last year-and-a-half but nothing extremely post worthy. I was just telling my husband this morning that I am overwhelmed with all the things that I want to do...practice painting techniques, make doorhangers, tryout pressing screen prints, decorating my house, learning Corel, learning Adobe Illustrator, cross stitching (I used to do that a lot).  Do you ever find yourself wanting to do so much that makes you happy that you literally don't know where to begin? 

So, I'm going to get back into the creative game. What that looks like, I don't know yet. But I know I miss my creative community. Let's reconnect. How have you been? What creative things are you doing?



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